Frequently Asked Questions:
Why join the PTSA?
The PTSA keeps you informed and involved at FHS! Membership dues directly support FHS students and teachers, funding school functions like guest speakers, Teacher Appreciation and student scholarships and awards. Let us help you get connected with the things that your student enjoys and build a supportive community. Visit our links page to explore FHS booster groups and FCPS resources.
Does FHS have a school supply list?
Students are not expected to arrive at school the first week with specific notebooks or supplies. Each teacher may recommend certain supplies for their class, but students should feel confident arriving the first week with only pencil and paper, and their school issued laptop and charger if they have already received it.
What is Lion Time?
An advisory period built into every student schedule. During Lion Time students have an opportunity to seek extra help from teachers, work on homework, and receive lessons on social emotional learning, digital citizenship and student rights and responsibilities. Students usually have the same teacher and classmates all 4 years.
What’s a Subschool?
A subschool is a team of adults who support your child through all 4 years at FHS. Subschools are assigned a part of student alpha list by last name and include an Assistant Principal, Administrative staff and School Counselor. There are two subschools in the building this year; Subschool 1&2 is in room A114 (A-Lee), and Subschool 3 & 4 is in room D127 (Lef-Z). Attendance issues, such as late arrivals, early dismissals, etc., will be handled by the Attendance Office in room L103, next to the main office.
Who are the Leadership kids?
Your freshman may have come home from the Fear of ROAR orientation talking about the upperclassmen that led discussions and games. Leadership is a class offered at FHS that develops skills in students and supports events such as orientation and open house.
How do I navigate the parking lot?
When bringing your student to school, turn at the lion statue to drop them off at the flag poles. This keeps cars out of the bus lane and avoids congestion in the parking lot. If you need to enter the building, there are visitor spaces in the bus lane and the first row of the parking lot on the stadium side of the lot.
How do I navigate the school?
The main entrance of FHS (by the flagpoles) is Door 1. After athletics practices students usually leave through Door 21 on the right side of the building near the football stadium. Academy Students from other schools use Door 10 at the back of the building. FHS students who attend other academies still enter/exit from door 1 to pick up their bus. The main office is immediately inside Door 1 on the right. If you head straight toward the back of the building, the Auditorium will be on your right. If you continue toward the back, you will run into the cafeteria. Most of the athletic and music classes are on the right side of the building, the academic classrooms on the left and the academy in the back. All the halls have "street names" to help your kids find their way to their classrooms.
How can I find college scholarship opportunities for my senior?
All of the scholarships that the county, or FHS, receives are posted in Naviance, every FCPS student’s online college and career planning tool, under the Scholarship List. Parents can access Naviance from here: https://www.fcps.edu/naviance Scholarships are posted to the Scholarship List database on a weekly basis throughout the school year. Other sources of scholarships come from the colleges and universities themselves. Attached below is Ms. Kim, the College & Career Specialist’s handout on Scholarships & Financial Aid.
What about scholarships for PTSA members?
The applications for the $1000 VAPTA and $500 FCCPTA scholarships aren’t due until March and April 2024, more information to follow.
What about athletic scholarships?
Talk to your child’s coach early to create a plan for your child. Don’t wait until senior year!
Top 6 PTSA Membership Myths and Truths
MYTH: PTSA membership is only for moms.
TRUTH: PTSA is for everyone! Parents, guardians, students, teachers, grandparents, administrators, school board members, aunts, uncles, community members etc. Everyone can have good ideas and contribute to making our school community stronger.
MYTH: I do not need to join PTSA now that my child is in high school.
TRUTH: Students who attend a high school with a PTSA are more likely to graduate. And the more members in the PTSA, the higher the overall graduation rates.
MYTH: Joining PTSA requires you to volunteer.
TRUTH: If you want to volunteer, that’s great, but your support as a member is enough. Your dues fund the majority of the PTSA budget.
MYTH: If I join the PTSA they will just keep asking for more money.
TRUTH: The PTSA needs input and perspectives from as many families as possible and each family can contribute in whatever way they are most comfortable, whether that is by sharing their ideas, their volunteer labor, their financial support or all three.
MYTH: PTSA is only a social club.
TRUTH: PTSA is a membership-based advocacy association. Local PTSAs build community between schools and families. Join to have your voice heard!
MYTH: Adult members of the FHS PTSA must be a staff member or have a child attending FHS.
TRUTH: Anyone living outside of the FHS boundary is welcome to support the PTSA by becoming a commonwealth member. Virginia PTA - Commonwealth Membership (vapta.org)
BONUS MYTH: PTSA membership never expires.
TRUTH: You need to join every year. Even though membership runs annually, you can join anytime during the year. Join online today! https://fairfaxhs.memberhub.com/store
Homecoming FAQ:
What is Homecoming? Homecoming, or Hoco for short, is a spirit week which concludes with a parade and a home football game on Friday and a school dance on Saturday night. Traditionally, alumni attend the “Homecoming” football game to see old friends.
How Can My Student Participate? All FHS students are encouraged to participate in the parade and enjoy the tailgate and football game. Your student may choose to walk with their class (’24, ’25, '26, or '27), their sports team, Chorus or Band or other activities and clubs at FHS.
How can I watch the Parade? Come early and bring the family! The parade is held on Old Lee Road starting near Historic Blenheim and returning to parking lot in front of the school. Lion Run and Old Lee will be closed by police so allow time to park and walk to the parade route. (There is usually CANDY for the crowd.)
What happens on Homecoming Week Friday? Students have a pep rally at the end of the school day on Friday and are released at the normal time. They have time to finalize their float decorations and gather in the parking lot at the bottom of Old Post Road for the Parade to start at 4pm. The parade ends in the school parking lot where the community is invited to tailgate and enjoy the food trucks and activities near door 21. Gates to the stadium open at 6pm and kickoff is at 7pm. FHS Chorus students will sing the national anthem. Elementary students who preregistered will form a “High-Five Tunnel” for the football players to enter the field before kickoff! https://www.cityoffairfaxschools.org/apps/form/highfive The homecoming court will be introduced at halftime. Many students stay after school through the end of the football game to enjoy all the festivities!
What happens on Homecoming Week Saturday? All FHS students are invited to the Homecoming Dance from 8-11pm. It looks to be a beautiful evening for our first ever outdoor dance. Students can purchase homecoming dance tickets this week at the table on Mane Lane during lunch (outside the auditorium). Please be sure to pick up your students by 11pm. Chaperones still needed!
How can my student and I learn more about my student's choices after graduation and plan for their high school experience? Visit the college and career center during lion time, lunch or after school or email Ms. Kim @ mhkim@fcps.edu. Please find the following PPT.
If you have additional questions about returning to school, please Contact Us and we will try to help!