Academic Boosters
What is Academic Boosters?
The FHS Academic Boosters is a committee of the Fairfax PTSA created to honor and promote student academic achievement. The committee needs the support of parents like YOU to be successful.
Academic Booster Events Include:
Academic Lettering Ceremony.
"Lions Taking the Lead" Breakfasts.
Special Recognition to Students with Straight A's.
Special Recognition to Honor Graduates.
Academic Letters:
Students may earn an Academic Letter or Patch by achieving a GPA of 3.8 or higher at FHS for the previous school year. Letters are usually awarded during an event in October. The GPA is calculated from the weighted grades at the end of the year so Sophomore year is the first time a student could qualify. The first year a student is given an "F," the same Letter as the Athletic, Band, Chorus or Orchestra Letter. The following years they can earn an academic patch to add to the Letter.
Questions? Contact Megan Soyster at